June 12, 2011


i'm back in hamitlon, this week atleast, because the government is making it difficult for me to work for free (where the heck is my osap money!?) so i am on hiatus. gone back home to my parents' place where my cost of living is slightly lower, plus i can pick up some extra shifts at work. hopefully the extra cash there will tide me over until i figure this shit out. on the bright side, now i have alot of free time and access to my more fuller closet (see this post) and i can start posting more looks. i definitely plan to lay in the sun and read as well. and get some exercise!

this morning i got up real early and i thought "hey, i bet the people outside right now are the dog walkers. i'm gonna take some photos!" so i walked down to the park and played around. and sure enough, i did catch a dog and his human in my photos! here's just a little preview because i can't decide my faves yet.

tomorrow i'll post more of them so look forward to that. i've also been going on, and on, all over my twitter about the glee concert. and it has finally arrived. tonight is going to be super fun. we totally have the hook up, we're taking a limo (for FREE); there's eight of us going. and you better believe i'll be posting photos from the show!

1 comment:

  1. i love that skirt! your blog banner is so gorgeous and classic! =)

